Update A QR Code
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Once a QR Code has been generated and rendered to the page trying to dynamically set any properties of the QR Code such as the background colour would require a page refresh in order for the plugin to re-generate the SVG or Canvas element.
In order for qr codes to be dynamically updated live on the page we have included an 'Update A QR Code' workflow action.
In order to take full advantage of modifying or updating a QR code we have exposed all of the available options as a state on the QR Codes element. The below details the available states and the parameters that are expected to be passed.
The data to encode in the QR Code, such as a URL
Data Type : Text
The colour of the foreground or 'dots'
Data Type : Text
Parameters : Hexadecimal colour value such as #000000 or an rgba value including transparency such as rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.4)
The size of the QR Code in px. The QR Code will always be a 1:1 ratio and the plugin will take the width of the element as both the width and height.
Data Type : Integer (Number)
The margin around the QR Code in px
Data Type : Integer (Number)
The style of the foreground or 'Dots'. The parameters passed must match exactly as defined below. (Excluding the '')
Data Type : Text
Parameters : 'square' 'dots' 'rounded' 'extra-rounded' 'classy' 'classy-rounded'
Enable a colour gradient. In order for the plugin to switch from generating a flat colour to a gradient you will first need to pass a true value. The QR Code will then update its parameters and use the start and end colours as defined.
Data Type : Boolean (Yes / No)
The type of gradient
Data Type : Text
Parameters : 'linear' 'radial'