Save A QR Code
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Last updated
To save the generated QR Code to Bubbles server you can use the 'Save A Qr Code' Action.
This action will upload your file and return the url as a state of the QR Code Element. You could then use the files url as an image data type associated with a database table or 'Thing'
This is the element of the QR Code that you added to your app.
The filename to use when uploading your QR Code. This can be entered manually or dynamically.
The Type of file to upload
After uploading the file the plugin will return the URL as a state of the element called 'Saved QR Code Image'. You can then for example set a data type of 'image' on a database table or 'Thing' and use the QR Codes Element state to update the entry.
The size of the uploaded file will be determined by the width you set in the Elements properties. For example if you set the width to 400px the uploaded image will be 400px x 400px.